frequently asked questions

Can I rent a driverless bus?

No, by law you can not rent a bus withoutdriver, since the maximum by law is 9 seats. Unlike us; there are other types of companies that rent these types of vehicle

How many places does a minibus have?

Many times you will wonder how many places a minibus has, well, you have different types and squares, ranging from 12 to 39 seats, however we also have coaches of 40 to 71 seats.

In the meantime, I’m teding you with this article about minibus seats

How much does a minibus rental cost for weddings?

It all depends on different factors such as, the number of guests, stops, destinations and type of bus or minibus.

However here you have a link where you can solve doubts about the rental of mini buses for weddings madrid price

Would you like to know if the buses have a bathroom?

Busesonly have a bathroom with more than 54 seats. If you want to relaunch your bus rental, you can ask us for a quote

A 35-seater bus rental is a good choice

Of course!! as long as those traveling on the bus are a group of 35 seats.

if you need to know how to apply for the rental of Coaches of 35 Vip Places in madrid

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