Alquiler de autobuses, autocares, microbuses y minibuses en Madrid

Luxury Sedan Vip rental in Madrid for transfer

Luxury Sedan Vip Rental in Madrid: What is the VIP Sedan – Luxury Torres Bus Like?

The luxury sedan of the sedan rental company, coaches and minibuses Torres Bus is a are unique in the market as it is designed by the company itself for the comfort of travelers, with the latest advances in Mercedes technology, the Sedan has everything you need for the passenger or passengers to travel comfortably, without noticing any potholes and without hearing the noises from the outside.

The interior of the cabin, with a black upholstery finish and white leather seats, makes it stand out from where you fence, the seats adapt to the posture in which you travel, and you will get up if it is a long trip, as if you had just got in the car, do not get off without back pain and anger comfortably to the destination that facilitates us

How can I rent a sedan car?

We recommend that you read our texts carefully, to perform correctly

Call us in case of doubt


If you have any questions, questions and would like us to help you before sending the quote you can call us and we will gladly assist you.

Request my quote

Send us your quote by clicking on a quote with the type of service you want to perform with luxury sedan rental in Madrid

LUXURY VIP Sedan: How to rent in Madrid

When searching for or locating a transport we always turn to our favorite search engine either (Google, Bing, Yahoo,…) but we only look at them for a single purpose, to find a sedan rental either or the autonomous community where we are, in this case Madrid,we will always take into account the prices provided by the sedan rental company or fees available to other sedans, in order to select the best services relationship price quality

Vip Luxury sedan rental in Madrid price

The rental price of the vip sedan varies depending on the route that users wish to make, such as one of our customers, Azucena Lozano, who every month has asked us for a quote

Dear Pruden

You would need a VIP sedan rental by Saturday, June 4, 2016 with departure from Madrid center,bound for Adolfo Suarez Madrid Barajas Airport at about 05:30 in the morning leave and end, I return next Saturday on June 11, 2016 facilitate me budget for the Madrid airport shuttle service

After writing to us and receiving the requested quote by calling the phone number +34607372252, email,by filling out the budget form,our sales will contact you in less than 24 hours / 48 hours.

The response of our sales to our client Azucena Lozano

Dear Azucena

Good morning, first of all thank you for trusting us again, the budget for the rental service of sedan VIP of Madrid center bound for the airport for the day 04/06 of June at 5:30 and pick up at Adolfo Suarez Madrid Barajas Airport on the 11/06.

Azucena, please send us the flight you are back on to have control of the arrival time in Madrid

Receive a cordial greeting

Pruden Torres

Book a luxury vip sedan rental in Madrid

To book luxury sedan vip rental in Madrid, you have several methods and methods of payment

  • 100% Payment by bank transfer or by hand to the driver
  • 60% Payment by bank transfer and 40% by hand to the driver
  • 40% Payment by bank transfer and 60% by hand to the driver

As long as you accept the quote sent to the email address provided, you can make the reservation in the sections below the budget

Photos taken by our driver Sergio Torres in Toledo during the rental of the sedan in Madrid to Toledo

Our best ratings from our customers for sedan car rental/rental

Average rating of 4.98 /5 out of 5 luxury vip sedan rental company and madrid transfers based on 98 reviews


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